Project Goals
Identify the most significant problems faced by international students in the US.
Propose a comprehensive
solution to tackle these issues.
Design a prototype for the solution.
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Interview Insights
"Grocery stores are too far away to walk. Can't buy a lot since it's hard to carry back if there's no car."
"[Delivery services like] Instacart has many issues while delivering - missed groceries, high prices, rotten produce.”
"I love Indian food and it’s known for its spices. They’re so hard to find here, it’s upsetting. I know like one Indian store and it’s so far."
Problems Identified
Crazy Eights
During the brainstorming stage. We did the "Crazy eights" activity where we rapidly come up with 8 potential solutions, irrespective of how silly or outlandish they may sound.
The aim of this exercise is to get ideas on our "how might we" questions. For example, "how might we make ethnic food and groceries more easily accessible to international students?"
After our brainstorming sessions, we finally narrowed it down to a few selected ideas. To illustrate how these would work, we made storyboards. The storyboards I designed are shown below.
Storyboard #1 AR Currency Converter
To address the monetary concerns of the students, one idea we focused on was currency conversion. Many students said they'd feel more comfortable judging the price of products in a currency they were familiar with. I made a storyboard of a potential Augmented Reality live currency converter.
Storyboard #2 Cooking Partner
(This is more of a lo-fi prototype)
What if students had cooking partners? Using CookBuddy, an international student could find another student in their area with similar dietary preferences. This app would allow cook buddies to take turns cooking for each other so that the work would be shared.
Storyboard #3 Recipe Builder
The idea behind this solution was to develop a virtual platform that allows people to share recipes with one another. At the end of this video call session, the application uses AI to generate a comprehensive recipe along with ingredients and step-by-step procedures for future use.
Narrowing it Down
At this stage, we had a poster presentation with our main ideas in front of the entire CS6750 Human-Computer Interaction class. Based on our feedback from this session, we narrowed it down to two solutions that we wanted to prototype: finding ethnic groceries, and ride-sharing to grocery stores.