FlyDelta App Redesign

FlyDelta App Redesign

FlyDelta App Redesign

Updating the app for efficiency and AI integration.

Updating the app for efficiency and AI integration.

Updating the app for efficiency and AI integration.



Delta Air Lines remains a favourite among many, boasting a large base of loyal clients. All "SkyMiles" members are encouraged to download the Fly Delta app, a tool providing passengers with multiple travel-related functions right from their smartphones.

In this exercise, I attempted to revamp some aspects of the app's interface, improving some existing user flows and including some novel features. I also include an AI assistant idea for the app. Click here to play the Figma Prototype.

Project Goals

Study what enhances customer engagement and brand loyalty

Tweak flows and designs for more meaningful interactions

Integrate AI component to stay industry-forward

Jump to Reasoning

Redesigned Pages

Landing Page

I chose a dramatic visual for the loading screen to engage users and elicit marvel. This leads directly into a personalized greeting, helping to build trust. It then pulls up the main Trips page.

Trips Page

The trips page displays card for upcoming trips. It also has the standard navigation bar at the bottom and a "sticky" boarding pass right above that for any active trips.

Boarding Pass

The sticky boarding pass allows users to always be 1 click away from viewing present trip details. The boarding pass opens up in a standard iOS modal.

Explore Page

Switching to the explore page through the navigation bar pulls up the "Find your next destination" section. This features large visual cards for custom recommended destinations.

Explore Delta

Transparency is a theme I explore throughout my designs. These little tidbits of information enable customers to actively participate in witnessing the company's growth and nurturing efforts.

Delta AI

I wanted to visualize the use of an AI digital assitant that gives natural language answers, and also provides a travel checklist catered to the passenger. The Delta AI feature can be called from the boarding pass or the Explore page.

Delta Air Lines remains a favourite among many, boasting a large base of loyal clients. All "SkyMiles" members are encouraged to download the Fly Delta app, a tool providing passengers with multiple travel-related functions right from their smartphones.

In this exercise, I attempted to revamp some aspects of the app's interface, improving some existing user flows and including some novel features. I also include an AI assistant idea for the app. Click here to play the Figma Prototype.

Project Goals

Study what enhances customer engagement and brand loyalty

Tweak flows and designs for more meaningful interactions

Integrate AI component to stay industry-forward

Jump to Reasoning

Redesigned Pages

Landing Page

I chose a dramatic visual for the loading screen to engage users and elicit marvel. This leads directly into a personalized greeting, helping to build trust. It then pulls up the main Trips page.

Trips Page

The trips page displays card for upcoming trips. It also has the standard navigation bar at the bottom and a "sticky" boarding pass right above that for any active trips.

Boarding Pass

The sticky boarding pass allows users to always be 1 click away from viewing present trip details. The boarding pass opens up in a standard iOS modal.

Explore Page

Switching to the explore page through the navigation bar pulls up the "Find your next destination" section. This features large visual cards for custom recommended destinations.

Explore Delta

Transparency is a theme I explore throughout my designs. These little tidbits of information enable customers to actively participate in witnessing the company's growth and nurturing efforts.

Delta AI

I wanted to visualize the use of an AI digital assitant that gives natural language answers, and also provides a travel checklist catered to the passenger. The Delta AI feature can be called from the boarding pass or the Explore page.

Delta Air Lines remains a favourite among many, boasting a large base of loyal clients. All "SkyMiles" members are encouraged to download the Fly Delta app, a tool providing passengers with multiple travel-related functions right from their smartphones.

In this exercise, I attempted to revamp some aspects of the app's interface, improving some existing user flows and including some novel features. I also include an AI assistant idea for the app. Click here to play the Figma Prototype.

Project Goals

Study what enhances customer engagement and brand loyalty

Tweak flows and designs for more meaningful interactions

Integrate AI component to stay industry-forward

Jump to Reasoning

Redesigned Pages

Landing Page

I chose a dramatic visual for the loading screen to engage users and elicit marvel. This leads directly into a personalized greeting, helping to build trust. It then pulls up the main Trips page.

Trips Page

The trips page displays card for upcoming trips. It also has the standard navigation bar at the bottom and a "sticky" boarding pass right above that for any active trips.

Boarding Pass

The sticky boarding pass allows users to always be 1 click away from viewing present trip details. The boarding pass opens up in a standard iOS modal.

Explore Page

Switching to the explore page through the navigation bar pulls up the "Find your next destination" section. This features large visual cards for custom recommended destinations.

Explore Delta

Transparency is a theme I explore throughout my designs. These little tidbits of information enable customers to actively participate in witnessing the company's growth and nurturing efforts.

Delta AI

I wanted to visualize the use of an AI digital assitant that gives natural language answers, and also provides a travel checklist catered to the passenger. The Delta AI feature can be called from the boarding pass or the Explore page.

The Process: Finding Precedence

The Process: Finding Precedence

I started my ideation for redesigning by looking at other airline app screens I found online as a comparative study. I used these as inspiration, studying which features worked well and which ones didn't.

Key gaps and observations

  • A large landing visual draws attention and inspires awe

  • Gate information should be easily visible and accessible

  • Using engaging hero images for destinations increases chances of clicks

Design System: Familiarity and Trustworthiness

I adhere to the Delta design systems by using their signature colours, iconography, component styles, and typography. I then took some liberties with certain gradients and interactions.

Design Decisions

Design Decisions

Boarding Pass

Trips Page

Explore Page

Delta AI Integration

Delta AI Integration

This is an idea for an AI assistant that is able to answer user’s questions related to their trips. It has personal history and data stored to be able to give accurate and custom information to the user. This is in keeping with one of Delta’s pillars, “Elevated Experience & Efficient Servicing”. It will also reduce the load on reservation agents.

Delta AI Assistant

This is an idea for an AI assistant that is able to answer user’s questions related to their trips. It has personal history and data stored to be able to give accurate and custom information to the user. This is in keeping with one of Delta’s pillars, “Elevated Experience & Efficient Servicing”. It will also reduce the load on res agents.

Delta AI Assistant

This is an idea for an AI assistant that is able to answer user’s questions related to their trips. It has personal history and data stored to be able to give accurate and custom information to the user. This is in keeping with one of Delta’s pillars, “Elevated Experience & Efficient Servicing”. It will also reduce the load on res agents.



  1. The AI screens show how we can reduce the load on reservations agents by automating assistance.

  2. The Explore Delta page led to a new project for showcasing innovative initiatives on the app to adhere with Delta's principles of customer engagement and loyalty.

  3. Redesigning the trips page, explore page and boarding page for a more frictionless customer journey.


This activity of analyzing the existing app and reimagining a few of its flows was a great learning experience. The latest version of the app, Fly Delta version 6.0, is a well designed tool. I am excited to see what other passengers think of it and what feedback is received. However, through my redesigns, I hoped to show a few novel ideas that could be incorporated, such as some visual indications of transparency, and trip assistance with the help of AI.

This activity of analyzing the existing app and reimagining a few of its flows was a great learning experience. The latest version of the app, Fly Delta version 6.0, is a well designed tool. I am excited to see what other passengers think of it and what feedback is received. However, through my redesigns, I hoped to show a few novel ideas that could be incorporated, such as some visual indications of transparency, and trip assistance with the help of AI.

This activity of analyzing the existing app and reimagining a few of its flows was a great learning experience. The latest version of the app, Fly Delta version 6.0, is a well designed tool. I am excited to see what other passengers think of it and what feedback is received. However, through my redesigns, I hoped to show a few novel ideas that could be incorporated, such as some visual indications of transparency, and trip assistance with the help of AI.

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© Ramyani Ghosh, May 2024

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+1 (470)-919-2752

© Ramyani Ghosh, May 2024

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+1 (470)-919-2752

© Ramyani Ghosh, May 2024